The Konformist

KON4M 99
April 1999

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Kold Fusion Turns 10

On March 23, 1989, Drs. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann of the University of Utah announced what amounted to the Holy Grail of science, a discovery, which, if true, would change the world more than any discovery before or since. They claimed to have produced cold fusion in their laboratory, an achievement that if true would have meant a virtually unlimited cheap energy supply for humanity. Their claims were quickly viciously debunked by others. Despite the attacks and the shunning by the mainstream, the investigation of cold fusion continues, and success seems only a matter of time, thanks to the pioneering work of Pons and Fleischmann, and the continued promotion by Dr. Eugene Mallove.

Cold Fusion Turns Ten! Infinite Energy Issue #24 Now Available!

Cold Fusion: The First Ten Years in the Words of Researchers Who Were There

MIT and Cold Fusion: A Special Report

Nuclear Reactions in the Pd/D System: An Account by M. Fleischmann of Early Cold

Fusion Research

Evidence for the Cold Fusion of Protons and Electrons

BlackLight Power Breakthrough

Device and Testing Updates

A Chronology of Cold Fusion

And much, much more!

New from Infinite Energy Press!

Also from Infinite Energy :

NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATION: The Reality of Cold Fusion

by Tadahiko Mizuno

ISBN 1-892925-00-1

Hard Cover, English translation - 152 pages.

Published December, 1998.

Now Available!

$32.95 USD - Canada, USA, Mexico.

$39.95 USD - all other countries.

Tadahiko Mizuno was born in Asahigawa City, Hokkaido, Japan in 1945. He graduated from the Department of Applied Physics, College of Engineering, Hokkaido National University in 1968. In 1973 he received his Ph.D. in applied physics. Among his achievements in cold fusion were the first extensive reports of neutron measurements in Japan, pioneering work on loaded, solid-state proton conductors, and key new studies of transmutation products. Presently, he is an Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, College of Engineering, Hokkaido University.

"I find this frank and open exposition by Dr. Mizuno to be the most thoughtful, most interesting, and most helpful scientifically of all the books to date about 'cold fusion.' In the process of recounting his experiences and views, Dr. Mizuno provides an important glimpse into how research often evolves in practice and how the process can plunge into a chaotic maze in some cases, like 'cold fusion.'"

Professor George Miley, University of Illinois, Fusion Studies Laboratory


Heavy Watergate: The Cold Fusion Suppression

Infinite Energy Magazine

Konformist of the Year 1998: Gary Webb & Dr. Eugene Mallove

Weird Science

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Kirby The Konspiracy Boy Says, "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"