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The Konformist Newswire

Beast of the Year 2013: Jerry Sandusky

The votes are in, and The Konformist readers have spoken. Jerry Sandusky is your choice for the 2013 Beast of the Year - a choice that is well deserved.


RIP: Boris Berezovsky

Bradley Manning's Nobel Peace Prize

Poll: 58 percent back gay marriage

Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get from the Mainstream Propaganda

Luke's Change: an Inside Job

On Gay Unions, a Pragmatist Before He Was a Pope

Sugary Drink-Related Deaths

The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery

Exit From the Matrix

There WAS a recount on the Prop 37 vote, and it was stopped cold

James Holmes, and how the CIA hid the MKULTRA mind-control program

New pope’s economic stance

"It's Loud, It's Ugly, It Won't Go Away"

BRICS Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank, IMF

Sociology of Conspiracies

Nearly 1 in 10 Americans would have sex with a robot

Vatican department shares Rome palazzo with gay sauna

How George Bush won the war in Iraq - really!

US citizens increasingly facing austerity dictatorship

How “kill the pigs” became “only the police should have guns”

The Boston Bombing & The KGB

Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA?

FBI Spiked Chechen Jihadi Investigation

Suspicious death of two FBI agents creates controversy 


Konformist Komix!

Read all about Konformist Komix and the first issue, "Votescam in Konformist Kounty," with Kirby's brand new arch-nemesis, Otto Crattick.

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