Version 2.0 |
The following is a version of the evidence that Tupac Skakur faked his death. Here are some other sites devoted to the subject: Is Tupac Really Dead? - one person's inquest and theory regarding the death of Tu-Pac. Robby Robb's Reasons Tupac Is Alive Top 20 Reasons Why Tupac is Alive
Thanks to Stick153 for the following.
1) Tupac was died on Friday the thirteenth, which through history, has been known as a very suspicious day. 2) No pictures were released of Tupac in the hospital. 3) Tupac always wore a bulletproof vest; why would he not wear one to a public event like the Tyson fight? 4) Supposedly, Tupac was cremated the day after he, "died," It is illegal to cremate someone who was murdered without an autopsy.
5) There are several letters, symbols, and numbers hidden in the finger and palm prints in the CD booklet to Makaveli-The 7 Day Theory. 6) In interviews prior to the shooting, Tupac discussed how he wanted to stop rapping and being a gangsta, and step out of the limelight. The only way to pull this off is if people thought he was dead. 7) Tupac's funeral was canceled for unknown reasons. 8) Nothing in the Makaveli CD says, R.I.P. Tupac." Wouldn't it make sense to say something like this if it was, in fact, Tupac's last album. 9) On the cover of, "The 7 Day Theory," There is a picture of Tupac crucified with five bullet holes in it. Could he be planning a resurrection? 10) The only witness to the shooting, Yafeu Fula,(Kadafi of The Outlawz), was gunned down on November 10 in the hallway of an apartment in East Orange, New Jersey. 11) "R U Still Down," was released under the name 2Pac, not Makaveli. Is Tupac back? 12) There is a new rapper named, "Blac Haze." I've heard he sounds just like Tupac. Even the title of his song, "Holla At Cha," sounds familiar.("Holla At Me," from, "All Eyez On Me") 13) Since his, "death," Tupac has released three movies, at least three LP's, and has done numerous duets. Why so much in so little time.
14) Suge Knight (Executive Producer of Death row Records) never appeared for questioning. 15) In the first three seconds of, The 7 Day Theory, the witness, Fula, can be heard saying, "Suge Shot Me.) 16) Tupac was about to leave Death Row Records. His album entitled Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory was the last album he had to do for Death Row Records. He was now going to work on his new record company called "Makaveli Records." Makaveli Records is the new record company Tupac planned on doing with "Tha Outlaw Immortalz." (In 1995, Suge Knight bailed Tupac out of jail with the contract of Tupac doing a double album and single album for Death Row Records. His contract was done and that's why he was suddenly leaving Death Row Records.) 17) Basically in a follow-up from # 1... With Tupac gone, Death Row Records to make any money off Tupac. So, if they killed Tupac; Everything related to him would get them a whole lot of cash! And, they would now have all of his unreleased songs which they would release under their label on soundtracks, compilation albums and possibly even new 2Pac albums. Plus, it gets rid of the competition they'd receive from Makaveli Records. 18) Death Row Records was very uncooperative with the police after Tupac's death. They hardly told the police anything. Here's another interesting fact... ABC interviewed Suge Knight after the shooting of 2Pac. He was asked, "If you knew who killed Tupac, would you tell the police?" Suge then replied "Absolutely Not." 19) If you know about "Makaveli Records," you know about The Outlaw Immortalz. They are the rappers who would be working with 2Pac on "Makaveli Records." Anyway, one of the members who went by the name "kadafi" was reportedly cooperate with the police. Well, soon after the death of Tupac he turns up dead. 20) Have you noticed how Death Row Records now goes by the name "New & Untouchable." This name started being used when the Makaveli album came out... Why are they so suddenly untouchable? 21) Death Row Records could have also done a lot of this stuff you're about that's proving Tupac is Alive. They could be doing this stuff for publicity. EX: They could have made up that whole 7 Day Theory stuff. And, I'm almost sure they put Tupac on the cover of the Makaveli album posed as Jesus Christ for publicity. 22) Of course lets not forget the mysterious "Suge Shot Him." If you turn the volume way up...... In the first 3 seconds of the Makaveli album your hear someone say "Suge Shot Him." You hear the voice right before the first bell. (Listen Carefully) I wonder about this though...Is it someone from Death Row Records who knew what was going on with Suge Knight killing him or was it just some publicity stunt for more album sales? 23) Okay...Lets talk about that night at the Tyson fight when Tupac was shot...You've all probably heard about Orlando Anderson and how Suge got in a fight and was caught on surveillance cameras. So, I won't get into that. Anyway... I've heard a "rumor." I've heard Suge Knight was caught on surveillance cameras at the fight telling Tupac to take off the vest because it was hot in there. If this is true, why would Suge Knight not want Tupac wearing his vest? (This rumor was brought to my attention when talking with the owner of Cash's Tupac Page.) 24) What about what Suge Knight did after Tupac was shot? Well, as you know Tupac was shot 5 times and Suge's head was grazed by a bullet. I've heard Tupac said to Suge, "Don't worry about me. You're shot in the head." Anyway, as Tupac lost 22 ounces of blood Suge drove Tupac to the hospital as fast as he could... When at the hospital Suge said he had a long conversation with Tupac. But how? Would you be talking after being shot 5 times and heavily bleeding...? 25) A lot of the supposed fact that "prove" he is alive are his lyric about getting shot, and reincarnated, remember...he was shot earlier in New York, and then went to jail, most of those lyrics refer to that incident. A lot of these could be publicity stunts or just coincidences. But there's more evidence that point to him being alive. It's really tough to make a decision. You gotta really think.... Would Tupac spend thousands & thousands of dollars in faking his death to get all the eyes off him?? Also, would Suge Knight actually kill Tupac for money? Take the life of his "friend" for money? 26) NOTE: As for Suge Knight having possession of all Tupac's unheard songs... Tupac's mom sued Death Row Records and won. She now has possession of the tapes. Death Row Records can no longer make money off Tupac's music. All of Tupac's unreleased singles will now be featured on new albums under the label "Amaru Records / Jive Records." 27) During an ABC interview, Knight was asked if he'd ever say who killed Tupac if he knew...He replied, "Absolutely not."
28) In the song, "Life Goes On," Tupac raps about his own funeral. (This is probably nothing, he always rapped about dying.) 29) In Richie Rich's album, "Seasoned Veteran," on the song called, "Niggas Done Changed," Tupac says, "I've been shot and murdered, can't tell you how it happened word for word/but best believe that niggas gonna get what they deserve..." The album was released on the same day as, The 7 Day Theory. 30) In Makaveli's song, "White Man's World," he states,"We ain't never gonna walk off this planet unlessya'll choose to..." Did he walk off the planet by faking his death? 31) In Tupac's song, "Ambitionz Az A Ridah," he says,"Blasted me but they didn't finish, didn't diminish my powers so I'm back to be a muthafuckin' menace, they cowards that's why they tried to set me up, had bitch-ass niggas on my team so indeed they wet me up, But I'm back REINCARNATED!" Is Tupac reincarnated as Makaveli? 32) In the song, " Life of An Outlaw," Tupac says, "All For the street fame on how to be managed, to plan shit six months in advance to what we plotted, approved to go on swole, and now I got it..." Maybe Tupac plotted his plan for six months, faked his death on the seventh, and is enjoying the success of his plan. 33) In the song, "Made Niggas," on the, "Gang Related," and, "Supercop," soundtracks, Tupac says, "Fuck 'em all who can't understand my plot to get richer...Outlaw to the grave, a muthafuckin' made nigga..." Once again, the, "plot," is mentioned. 34) In E-40's duet with Tupac called,"Million Dollar Spot," Tupac states, "fans can't understand my ghetto slang, so I evade and plot and plan a life of better things..." Here is the, "plot," or, "plan," again. 35) In the song, "Ain't Hard 2 Find," Tupac says, "I heard rumors that I died, murdered in cold blood, traumatized pictures of me in my final states, you know mama cried, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted..." It seems that Tupac may have foretold the future. 36) In Tupac's song, "No More Pain," he says, "A heart of a soldier with the brains to teach a whole nation..." Is he referring to Jesus or Machiavelli?
37) The video, "I Ain't Mad At Cha, " was released only days after Tupac's, "death," It depicts Tupac being gunned down much of the way he was really shot. 38) "I Ain't Mad At Cha," is also track number 13 on, "All Eyez On Me," and Tupac died on Friday the 13. 39) In the, "I Ain't Mad At Cha," video, Tupac dies. In his next video, "Toss It Up," his name is Makaveli. 40) How could they shoot the, "To Live And Die In LA," video when Tupac was, "dead?" Could the video really have been shot four months before in August of '96? 41) In the, "Hail Mary," video, there is a gravestone that says, "Makaveli." It is cracked and there's a hole in front of it; this implies that Makaveli rose from the dead. 42) In the,"Smile," video with Scarface, Tupac is crucified...Later he falls and stands up and it appears to be a double. Still, is this another image of resurrection? Why make people so suspicious? 43) I have also heard that the double in the,"Smile," video may actually be Tupac...The one on the cross has a row of crooked teeth on the bottom, just like Tupac. 44) Also in the, "Smile," video, there are a bunch of slowed words. Several people recognized the sound clip from Smile which was posted in a previous update. The clip is from the movie Bladerunner which starred Harrison Ford in the mid 1980's. I rented the movie and this is the exact transcription. "So they built in a fail safe device. Which is what? A four year lifespan. Now there is a Nexus 6 over at the Tyrell Corporation. I want you to go put the machine on him. And if the machine doesn't work?" Nexus 6 - Nexus 6 refers to a group of characters in the movie that were actually robots that looked exactly like humans. They were refereed to as Replicants. Replicants may refer to the actor in the "Smile" video that looked like Tupac. 45) The Tyrell Corporation - The Tyrell Corporation was the company that produced the Nexus 6 Replicants. The Tyrell Corporation could refer to Death Row Records the company that produced Tupac's music. 46) Altered Version - The original version of Blade Runner was remade so the current rental has been changed. Many people believe that the Makaveli album had been altered, or changed before its release. Could this be a reference to that? 47) The Soundtrack - The Soundtrack wasn't released until July 1994. The movie was released in 1982 (12 years before). Most of the music contained in this album originates from recordings made in London in 1982 but they were not able to release these recordings at the time. This could refer to "smile" as being a recording that was released after Tupac died rather than when he originally recorded it. It could also refer to the unreleased tracks that have yet to be released. 48) Voice Overs-In the Movie there are constant voice-overs that tell what is going on. Ridley Scott filmed Blade Runner *without* the voice-overs, but due to its poor reception at a sneak previews, the studio insisted that the voice-overs be added. This could be a reference to the fact that the Record Company knew that having a Voice Over, or inclusion of a Tupac track on Scarfaces album would be profitable. 49) Theme -A recurring theme in Scotts work is the question of personal and human identity. There is no doubt that there is a question of Tupac's identity/existence both in the "Smile" video and in real life. 50) Of course it is anyone's guess why Scarface chose this quote, altered the speed, and put it at the beginning of the Smile video. One person thought the meaning could be based on a quote in the movie saying that execution isn't considered execution, it is considered retirement. Another quote that caught my attention when I watched it was one that I think really relates to Tupac. The quote is "A light that burns twice as bright burns half as long." In other words, a person as talented as Tupac would only live for a short time, 25 years. Rent the movie if you can and tell me your interpretation but this is probably another mystery like Bomb First's "Suge Shot Me" quote that will never be answered. The car with the bullet holes also looks like the one Tupac was shot in. 51) Supposedly, in the, "Toss It Up," video, Tupac is wearing some Penny Hardaway shoes that were unavailable before his death. And when he jumps in the car in, "To Live And Die In LA," he has on some Jordan's that weren't available until after his death.
52) Tupac's alias is Makaveli. Though the spelling is different, Machiavelli was a 16th century Italian philosopher who advocated the staging of one's death in order to gain power and evade enemies. 53) One of Machiavelli's books is, Discourses Upon The First Ten Books Of Titus Livy, which Tupac read in jail. In Book 2, Chapter XIII He says, "a prince who wishes to achieve great things must learn to deceive..." This is very similar to verses in some of Tupac's songs. 54) Some say that Tupac modified the Machiavelli name because if you rearrange the letters, they spell, "Am Alive," or, "I Am Alive." 55) Maciavelli's books were called, "Book 1," and, "Book 2." The CD's of, "All Eyez On Me," are entitled the same.
56) Tupac died at age 25; 2+5=7 57) The official time of death was 4:03 PM.; 4+0+3=7 58) Tupac survived the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and, "died," the 13th. Hence the seven day theory. 59) Tupac was shot on the 7th. 60) There were twelve shots fired with five hits; 12-5=7 61) There were seven, "Outlaw Immortalz," until Kadafi was killed. 62) Tupac breaks the mirror with the bat in the, "Toss It Up," video which is seven years bad luck. 63) Tupac's new album, "R U Still Down," was released November 25 which was the age he died and 2+5=7. 64) In the, "I Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto," video, the girls room number is 7, and the clock in the diner says 4:03; Tupac's time of death and 4+0+3=7. 65) On the song, "White Man's World," if you listen very closely at the beginning, there is a voice in the background saying, " 7 years, 7 years, 7 years..." 66) Tupac's birthday is the 16; 1+6=7. 67) In the intro. on, "The 7 Day Theory," there are six gunshots. But when Tupac starts rapping, there's a seventh.
68) Ambitions as a Ridah Verse 1: " Now these money hungry bitches gettin' suspicious, started plott'n and planin' on schemes..." (Again he mentions plott'n and scheming...There are a lot of songs where he mentions his plot to fake his death.) 69) Ambitionz as a Ridah Verse 3: "payoff tha block, evade tha cops, 'cause I know they comin' for me, I been hesitant to reappear been away for years now I'm back...my adversaries been reduced to tears... " (A lot of the people claim you would have to payoff Las Vegas to fake his death...This song mentions him paying of the block...Notice he mentions to reappear. I think this where the Verse 1 above comes into play...he's plott'n and plan'n on schemes, faking his death, as how he's going to manage...Guarantee you would have to know you have to payoff people for lying about your death, and it's been said that Las Vegas is known to be the place for people on the take...) 70) "White Man's World," 3rd verse:"Time so tell me why, you changed choosing new direction, in a blink of an eye, my time away just made perfection...Did you think I'd die, not gonna cry ..." (This is how most are convinced that he's alive. It's really weird to hear while he's rapping...Why would you say, "Did you think I'd die," when this whole verse doesn't mention about shooting. It sounds like when he says, 'time away just made perfection,' this means that the plott'n of his death went down to perfection...) 71) "Ain't Hard To Find," Verse 1: "I heard a rumor I died, murdered in cold blood traumatized, pictures of me in my final stage, you know Mama cried, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted, like I know longer existed, mysteriously missing..." (I think the bottom line in the verse is that Tupac is alive...This frenzy about Tupac being dead is just a rumor...and the fact that he's mysteriously missing could be why everyone thinks he's dead...) 72) "Life of an Outlaw," Verse 2:"Who should I call when I'm shot and bleedin, indeed the possibility has part a chase in cream, dope got me hatin' fiends. Scheme wit my team, just a chosen few." (Does this reflect that Dr. Dre wasn't down with Makaveli...that he didn't want to be part of the scheme...?) 73) "Life of an Outlaw," Verse 2:"Niggas ain't ready for the wrath of the outlaws, never surrender, death is for a son to stay free, I'm thugged out. Fuck the world 'cuz this is how they made me, scared but still breathin.'" (Makaveli wanted to get away from the limelight and rap game .... Is death a way for a son to stay free...especially if he's thugged out? And was he scared, but still breathing 'cuz he's living..... He said fuck the world. Does this mean that Tupac knows that most of the world won't understand why he went so far to plan his death?) 74) "Blasphemy," Verse 2:"I'm contemplating plots, wondering which door to go, brotha getting shot, coming back resurrected, it's just that raw shit, nigga check it..." (Brotha' getting shot...Coming back resurrected...does this mean he'll be back?... "Blasphemy," means to slander God's writing, and imitating his resurrection is a mocking to God and his prophet's writings...Again he mentions he wants out of tha' rap game and his gansta' lifestyle...? Did he fake his death to get out of tha' game? Now Killumaniti is spelled Calumaniti which means false statement, it seems that the whole thing just sound a like it was all planned...and illumaniti is the theory of a new world order, brought on by bloody race wars, led by government, banks, and religions... Tupac was raised as a revolutionist, and perhaps "kill"uminati refers to fighting the 'new world order'... In the beginning he mentions too, that if God doesn't return in tha' seven days, we'll wait for next time of bible prophecies...)
75) Did Bone Thugs N Harmony play a role in helping Tupac fake his death? In the, "Thug Luv," song, right before Tupac starts rapping, Bizzy can be heard in the background saying, "He's alive, he's alive, he's alive..." 76) Machiavelli's book, The Art of War, is also the name of Bone's new album.
77) This is pretty lame but, I have heard that Biggie put a hit on Tupac and he found out about it, then faked his death and put a hit on Biggie.
78) One of my sources, A.K., has just purchased the new Scarface CD. In it is a duet with Tupac and Master P. I haven't heard it yet, but A.K. told me of a verse in the song which sounds like Tupac is on the phone. He says something like, "You put me in a casket, you dirty bastards...I'm smokin' weed all day, but the police will never find me..." Is Tupac calling from his hideout? Once again, I still need to hear the exact verse. 79) The following is from a webpage called, "Tupac Lives." If the source is credible, this is really weird: I have met someone that attends my college which knows many people at Death Row. Not to long ago this person called his cousin's house in LA and a rapper that is part of Death Row answered the phone. (sorry I can't reveal his name, but he is big time). My friend and him got to talking and Tupac came up in the conversation. My friend finally asked him if Tupac was alive, and all he heard was a laugh followed by, "Guess we will have to wait and find out." (this took place while I was in the room) My friend was supposed to fly to LA to attend the party that was supposed to occur last night celebrating the release of Snoop's new album and Makaveli, but since Snoop's new album got moved back to the 12th, the party was a no go. The rumor was that Tupac and Snoop were supposed to enter the party together. 80) I have been getting quite a few e-mails that say there is a mysterious man that looks like Tupac running the underground poetry game near Howard University in Washington. The man goes by the name of the character Tupac played in, "Juice." 81) In the movie, "Gridlock'd," when Tupac and Roth are in the diner and they glance up at the menu, all the L's are upside down 7's. 82) In the movie, "Gang Related," Tupac and Belushi wait in room 7, and Tupac's badge number is 115; 1+1+5=7. 83) The song, "Starin' At The World Through My Rearview," off the, "Gang Related," soundtrack, is the song that makes it clear that Pac is alive. 84) Is Kadafi really alive too? In, "Starin' At The World Through My Rearview," he says,"...as you riminis (sorry about spelling) wit your crew, smoke a blunt for me too, I'm starin' through your rearview..." Which means that we should smoke a blunt for Kadafi like we do for our dead homies. How would he know he would be dead? He's starin' through our rearview because he's on another level just like Tupac. 85) In the interlude, "Black Starry Night," on, "R U Still Down," there are a few clues...The one that jumps out at me is that he says that he's above the law runnin' the underground railroad. 86) The cross on Tupac's back says, "Exodus 16:31." I read this verse and it didn't mean much to me, but if you read the verse before it, it says, "So the people rested on the seventh day." As a matter of fact, the whole chapter deals with the, "7 Day Theory." Read it, tell me whatcha think. 87) I finally found a song in which Tupac says he's alive...On, "Hold Ya Head," on the Makaveli CD, before Tupac begins rapping, a voice says, "Can you see him?" Another voice replies, "I see him," Then Tupac softly says, "I'm alive..." I was skeptical at first, too, but just listen to it. |
Kirby The Konspiracy Boy Says, "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"