The Konformist

December 2000

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The Anti-Bible Conspiracy

Have you ever noticed that the Library of Congress (a governmental agency) call number for Christianity begins with "BS?"

Yes, that's correct, your eyes are not deceiving you, Christianity is classified under the most famous two (2) letters for garbage or nonsense in the English or American language.

Who hasn't heard someone say, "Oh, that's BS!" or "B--- S---!"

So well known are these two letters that they DO NOT show up on my computer's spell checker as misspelled. Try it with other letters. They will show up as misspelled, but not these letters which herald your trip into Christianity at any library using the Library of Congress system.

Both vulgar and blasphemous are these letters. Vulgar, blasphemous AND closely associated with Christianity according to the Library of Congress (a governmental agency) minions. Music as you may know is classified under "M." Other disciplines are classified under their initial. Christianity is classified under BS.

Yes, we Christians have allowed the governmental keepers of, and distributors of, knowledge to defame religion for far too long. These same bureaucrats who work to keep religion and prayer out of our schools are working to destroy religion. The separation of Church and State is not enough for these atheists. No, they want to create and maintain the separation of Church and People!

In some cases simply changing the letters might suffice, but with a conspiracy this deep, this imbedded in the fabric of our government and society, changing the call letters, though absolutely necessary, is not enough. To make effective changes we will need to purge these Devil worshippers from the halls of power.

This is not some petty issue we can ignore. This is not about the letters "BS" themselves. No, this imperils the souls of every person now living and every person yet unborn.

We must work with those few born-again elected officials whom we can trust, and we must work for change or America will end up like the old Soviet Union which once wrote of religion in a standard 6th grade text book. "Once important to superstitious savages, the state has demonstrated that religion is no longer relevant to a modern industrialized society."

The House of Blasphemy

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