The Konformist

KON4M 99
April 1999

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Littleton Witness Account:

Gunman Not Student

Ian Goddard (

Friday, April 23, 1999 5:15 AM

I just transcribed the following. Kim Sander is a mother of a student who had escaped early in the attack. During the massacre, at 1:10 central time (4/20/99), Kim was interviewed on KUSA-TV, carried by MSNBC. During that interview Kim described what her daughter had just told her she had seen:

Kim Sander: "She looked up and saw a gunman in a black trench coat with a very huge gun in front of him.... He had dark brown hair, thick bushy eyebrows and was very ugly. She said he was a white male. ..."

News Anchor: "Kim, did your daughter say if the gunman that she saw was a student at the school?"

Kim Sander: "She didn't recognize him as a student. No. Not as a student."

The two dead gunmen:

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