The Konformist

April 2001

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The Top Ten Reasons Why No Man Has Ever Set Foot on the Moon


10. "Tricky Dick" Richard Nixon was president at the time. He was the king of cover-up, secret tapes and scandal. Think about all of his potential antics that were not discovered.


9. A successful manned mission to the moon offered a wonderful pride-boosting distraction for the near revolt of the citizens of America over 50,000 deaths in the Vietnam War.


8. The Soviets had a five-to-one superiority to the U.S. in manned hours in space. They were first in achieving the following seven important milestones:

First manmade satellite in earth orbit...

First man in space...

First man to orbit the earth...

First woman in space...

The first crew of three astronauts onboard one spacecraft...

The first space walk...

The first of two orbiting spacecraft rendezvousing...

This put America at a perceived military disadvantage in missile technology during the very height of the Cold War.


7. Passengers of a spacecraft that went further than Earth orbit would likely have been subjected to lethal radiation. The Apollo missions were the only times ever that an astronaut, Soviet or American, left the safety of earth orbit and ventured into the deadly hazards of space radiation. See streaming video: "Radiation Belts."


6. Neil Armstrong, the first man to supposedly walk on the moon, refuses to give interviews to anyone on the subject. "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies." Collins also refuses to be interviewed. Aldrin, who granted an interview, threatened to sue us if we showed it to anyone. See streaming video: "Buzz says, "Buzz Off!"


5. Newly retouched photographs correct errors from previously released versions. Why would they be updating thirty-year-old pictures if they really went to the moon?


4. Rediscovered lost footage shows the American flag blowing in the wind. The wind was probably caused by intense air-conditioning used to cool the astronauts in their lightened, uncirculated, space suits. The cooling systems in the backpacks would have been removed to lighten the load not designed for earth's six times heavier gravity, otherwise they might have fallen over. See streaming video: "Flag blowing in the wind."


3. Enlarged photographs underneath the lunar lander's 10,000 lb. thrust engine showing the soil completely undisturbed. During ground tests there was grave concern for the vehicle falling into the hole the engine created as it descended. An oversight that they would have to keep for all subsequent moon missions. They attributed it to the affect of no atmosphere (except for the flag blowing in the wind!)


2. Rare, uncirculated photographs, allegedly from the moon's surface, show scenes supposedly lit solely by sunlight. Yet they contain shadows that do not run parallel with each other, indicating supplemental artificial light. Sunlight would cast shadows that would never intersect. See our streaming video: "Photographic Analysis" for some eye opening examples.


1. Recently uncovered mislabeled, unedited, behind-the-scenes video footage, dated by NASA three days after they left for the moon, shows the crew of Apollo 11 staging part of their photography. It's one-of-a-kind footage and is only available in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon!"

©2001 AFTH, LLC

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